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Planning Board Minutes 2006/01/05
January 5, 2006

Roll Call
        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
        Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
        Derek Tatlock
        Allan Davis
        Philip Porter, Alternate
        John Wheeler, Alternate

        Staff:  Michael Marquise, Planner

        Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
        Robert Rieseberg
        Bruce Jennings
        Emma Smith, Ex-Offico
        Frederick Gallup, Ex-Offico Alternate
        Darlene Morse, Secretary

        Aaron Aldredge, Eagle Times,  Catherine Busheuff, Peter Blakeman

Meeting began at 7:00 PM

Chairman Chalmers called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and asked that Alternate John Wheeler vote for Bruce Jennings and Alternate Philip Porter vote for Robert Rieseberg.

The minutes of the December 1, 2005 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Barbara Hollander to accept the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Allan Davis.  The motion carried with six voting for and one abstaining.

At this time, Bruce Jennings, arrived for the meeting.  

The minutes of the December 15, 2005  public hearing were reviewed.  Motion was made by Barbara Hollander to accept the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Allan Davis.  The vote was four in favor and four abstaining.


1.  Map 234, Lots 24 & 25, Bouwkamp, Thomas & Kathleen and Noyes, Sherry, 134 & 137 New Province Road, Subdivision/Annexation Property Lot line Adjustment:  M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.   The application meets the requirements of 6.04 of the subdivision regulations subject to waivers that are allowed in  6.05 (b)  for entire boundary line survey, contours, utility lines and storm water drainage.  M. Marquise stated that he believed that all of those provisions could be waived.  Subject to receiving those waivers, he believed the application complete.   Motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as complete with the granting of the waivers.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The motion carried unanimously.

Clifford Richer, land surveyor, presented the application.   He explained that this was a lot line adjustment, boundary line adjustment/annexation.   This is being requested because the Noyes had a concrete slab poured for a garage and not sure of where the boundary line was, the slab was  poured onto a portion of the Kouwkamp’s property.  Approval of this line adjustment will solve the problem and give the Noyes the required 25 foot set back from the property boundary line.
Parcel B (0.l9 acres) will be conveyed to the Kouwkamps by Sherry Noyes.  Parcel A with concrete slab will be conveyed by the Kouwkamps  to Sherry Noyes.  Philip Porter asked if both parties were agreeable to this resolution.  C. Richer stated that both parties had worked the application out with him and  both signed the application.  Allan Davis questioned the acreage on both parcels.  C. Richard explained.  P. Chalmers asked M.  Marquise if he saw any issues with the plans.   M. Marquise stated that he thought it was a plus.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the line adjustment as presented.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The motion carried unanimously.

2.  Map 133, Lot 21, Marie Wiggins, 51 Main Street, Site Plan Review, Relocate Gallery to Garage:  M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.  This falls under Site Plan Review Regulations and it is an amendment from a previously approved plan.  The Board looked at this as a home business under Article V (d), so all of the details were not required.   M. Marquise stated that for a home business, he felt the application was complete.   Motion was made by Bruce Jennings that the application be accepted as complete.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The motion carried unanimously.  

Marie Wiggins presented drawings of the building explaining that the gallery has existed on this site  for five years and was abandoned until two years ago when she bought it.  The gallery consists of 477 sq. ft. of business area and she wants to move it from the house into the garage.   P. Chalmers inquired about operating hours and number of employees.  M. Wiggins responded that it would probably be the same operating hours with her or volunteers running the gallery.  The business is seasonal.  With regard to parking, three spaces exist and one could be made on the side.  Parking also exists in back of the property.  Allan Davis asked how many cars did she typically have parked there.   M. Wiggins responded that customers generally park across the street or walk up from the harbor.  The reason she wants to move the gallery from her home to the garage is because people do not feel comfortable going into her gallery because they feel it is like a residence.    Discussion was held on how many parking spaces she would need.  M. Marquise stated that he would have to get out the old file.  He believes the previous approval allotted three spaces to the gallery.   B. Jennings stated that she would need an additional space when she puts in the new apartment.  M. Wiggins stated that  she would not be doing this soon  due to finances.    M. Marquise informed M. Wiggins that she would have to go before the Zoning Board  of Adjustment should she wish to put in another apartment because this is a zoning issue and she does not own enough property to create 4 apartments.   The lot contains .33 acres.  She would also need to return to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review to address parking.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the Site Plan.  The motion was seconded  by  Philip Porter.  John Wheeler wished to make it clear that this motion did not include any approvals for anything other than the moving of the gallery.    The motion carried unanimously.  


1.  Map 225, Lot 36, McDonough Family Properties, Rte. 103 and Depot Road, Site Plan Review  - Amend Site Plan Previously Approved:   M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.   The application is an amendment to a previously approved site plan under Article V.  At that time all of the requirements were meant and M. Marquise stated that the application is complete.    The application proposes a change in the building separation distances which has created a few ramifications on the site.  He stated that this is really nothing that affects the application requirements.    Allan Davis noted that there were other differences on site including an additional gate.  
M. Marquis explained that the gate change has to do with the way the road goes around.  Peter Blakeman spoke regarding the application.  He stated that one of the conditional items on the previous application was that this  project get a letter from the Fire Chief and a DOT access permit.  He now has the DOT permit.  In the revised site plan, the area of the building did change slightly as the buildings had to be moved a bit in the paved area to meet set backs between the buildings.  M. Marquise recommends that the application be deemed complete.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as complete.  The motion was seconded Barbara Hollander.  The motion carried unanimously.

P. Blakeman explained that he spoke with the Fire Chief and was told that code requirements between buildings had changed and now required 30 feet between structures.  His previous  plan had incorporated 25 feet between buildings.   Because of the new codes, the amended plan now has the buildings 30 feet apart.   Due to no further access around the building, one gate was eliminated.  Also, the parking proposed on the north side of the entrance had two parking spaces there  for the office, but since no access gate appears, these will be moved adjacent to the office.  Therefore, no parking will be on the north side of the entrance.  The retaining wall along the southern side of the property changes because it  didn’t need to be extended as far up toward Rte. 103.  The building is being used as a retaining wall.  The building area is 875 sq. ft. less than what was approved before.  The total  building area is now  30,725 sq. ft.   The drainage and landscaping remain the same as the previous application.  Lighting will be “down lighting”.   The sign  is  out side  of the state right-of-way and will be lighted.  John Wheeler recommended an internally lit sign.  M. Marquis suggested it be recommended that the sign lighting not interfere with traffic.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to approve the application subject to “down lighting” on the buildings and poles and that the sign lighting not interfere with traffic.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  Allan Davis recommended that the previous approval be incorporated with this approval.  Philip Porter amended his motion to include that all previous conditions be incorporated where applicable into this approval.  Barbara Hollander seconded the amended motion.   The motion carried unanimously.   

2.    Map 225, Lot 52,  New Liden Realty Trust, Rte. 11 & 103 Wendell, Modification to allow existing rental/office/retain space to be used for office space, retain space or one bedroom residential unit:  M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.  This is an application for an amendment to a previous approval for Site Plan Review.  The application falls under Article V.  M. Marquise feels that the application is complete.  Motion made by Bruce Jennings that the application be accepted as complete.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The motion carried unanimously.  

Charles Hirschberg explained that the amendment basically added the additional use for an apartment.  The parking requirements were greater for the retail in the original approval.  He has allocated two of these spaces for the apartment.  It was not clear if an apartment might be added with the retail space still existing.   Peggy Chalmer asked if it would be office space or retail space or a one bedroom residential apartment.   C. Hirschberg explained that he did not file the application, but that was his understanding.  Residential toilet facilities and a kitchen would need to be added to the facility.  Allan Davis questioned the area of use.   C. Hirschberg stated it would be up to 600 sq. ft.  Bruce Jennings raised the fact that if the restaurant should want to expand and add more seats, the apartment would no longer be allowed.    C. Hirschberg stated that the intent is not to expand into the restaurant space and vice versa.    Allan Davis recapped that what the Board would be approving is a 42 seat restaurant and a space of up to 600 sq. ft. of retail space, office space or a one bedroom residential unit.   M. Marquise stated that he did not see any issues.  C. Hirschberg stated that there is space over the existing 600 ft. area and asked if that space could be used.  M. Marquise said it could be used for a second bedroom and the additional space would be within regulations.  Allan Davis made a motion to approve the application for Site Plan for a restaurant having up to 42 seats, plus either a two bedroom apartment or 600 sq. ft. of office space or 600 sq. ft. of retail space and any conditions which were attached to the previous approval.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  Allan Davis amended his motion to include that “an apartment of up to two bedrooms”.  Barbara Hollander agreed with the amendment.   The motion carried unanimously.  


1.  Map 147, Lots 19 and 20, Douglas McCahom, 563 Rte 103.    The Board reviewed the tax map to determine the location of the lots.  Motion made by Philip Porter for approval.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The motion carried unanimously.

2.  Map 101, Lots 3 and 4, Noel Eastman, Jr., Springfield Road.  The Board reviewed the tax map to determine the location of the lots.  Motion was made by Derek Tatlock  for approval.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The motion carried unanimously.

3.  Map 101, Lots 5 and 6, Noel Eastman, Jr., Springfield Road.  The Board reviewed the tax map to determine the location of the lots.  Motion was made by Derek Tatlock for approval.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The motion carried unanimously.


1.  M. Marquise requested that the Board meet in two weeks, January 19th, at 7 PM, to discuss the Master Plan and developing subcommittees.   P. Chalmers suggested that the meeting be advertised.  M. Marquise thought this should be done as a structural meeting and invite the public after this meeting.  

2.  M. Marquise remembered Derek Tatlock that he was up for re-election in March.   Robert Rieseberg is also up for re-election.  

3.   M. Marquise had the Board sign the approval for Bouwkamp and Noyes for recording.

4.  Allan Davis informed the Chairman that he would be missing the February and March meetings.
5.  Catherine Busheuff asked how could individuals get involved  in the Master Plan process.  P. Chalmers stated that she or anyone else interested could attend any meeting.  Any input is appreciated.    John Wheeler stated that public hearings would be held for public input.   A lengthy discussion followed on the development of the Master Plan.    C. Busheuff had some suggestions for inclusion in the plan.  Philip Porter suggested that she write her ideas down and submit them to the Board.  Bruce Jennings would like to see a drive to get as many individuals involved as possible with the development of the Master Plan.  Peggy agreed and added that business development should be addressed that will not impact the rural nature of the town.  She would also like to see Conservation properties addressed as well.  

Meeting was adjourned at  

NOTE:  The above minutes represents a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_________________

________________________                        _________________________
Peggy Chalmer, Chairman                 Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chair

________________________                        _________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

________________________                        _________________________
Robert Rieseberg                                        Allan Davis

________________________                        _________________________
John Wheeler, Alternate                         Emma Smith, Ex-Offico

________________________                        _________________________
Frederick Gallup, Ex-Offico                     Philip Porter, Alternate